Breck Coffee Chats with Summit County Locals: Peter Edition

Peter outside of Cuppa Joe in downtown Breckenridge

Question: Where are you from? How long have you been in Summit?

Peter: “Grew up in Golden and I have been in Summit for 3.5 years. I moved from Missoula, but was working in Cordova, Alaska for the Forest Service before that. Now I work for Mountain Outfitters.”

Question: Ski or snowboard?

Peter: “Ski”

Question: What are you listening to right now?

Peter: “Martha Scanlan - Seeds of the Pine”

Question: Childhood nickname?

Peter: “Buckwheat”

Question: When were you first introduced to coffee?

Peter: “High school. It was my parent’s crappy coffee with enough sweetened creamer in it to make it palatable to a high schooler.”

Question: What is your coffee drink of choice? 

Peter: “6 oz cappuccino preferably first thing in the morning. Normally it is a french press at home and then I take the first hour of the morning to sit and drink coffee as the sun is coming up. It’s what gets me out of bed some days.”

Question: What has been your favorite cup of coffee EVER?

Peter: “Coffee in the woods is always the best. Utah canyon sunrise camp coffee.”  

Question: If you could live in any era?

Peter: “20s. The change between the Industrial era to where we are at now, has got to be one of the craziest things to see. My friend’s grandfather who recently passed away had just turned 100. He grew up in a tiny town in Switzerland and he was a really interesting dude.”

Question: Last trip? Next trip?

Peter: “Last trip was Oregon. I went camping alone along the coastline for a week. Newport to Coos bay. My favorite spot was Silver Falls State Park.”

Next trip: “Leaving this morning for Sedona, Arizona.”

Question: What does living in Summit County mean to you?

Peter: “It means living in a community that prioritizes the same things I do. Spending time outside is the most important part of my life - the rest is secondary.”

Question: What does coffee mean to you?

Peter: “Ritual.”


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