Breckenridge Coffee Roasters

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Breck Coffee Chats with Summit County Locals: Tim Edition

Question: Where are you from?

Tim: “Grew up in Doylestown, PA”

Question: Coffee drink of choice?

Tim: “Black Ethiopian coffee with a splash of cream.”

Question: Most memorable cup of coffee?

Tim: “At the Ferry Building in SF. Had a great cup of Blue Bottle Coffee. I was with my wife for the week and we stayed at a place in Calistoga. We went to some wineries in Santa Elena and Calgastoga.”

Question: When were you first introduced to coffee?

Tim: “When I was 30. I was working in a bike and ski shop down in Frisco and started walking down to 7/11 to get a coffee. Then Starbucks opened up down the street and I started going there, and then I discovered good coffee.”

Question: Childhood nickname?

Tim: “Timmy.”

Question: If you could live in any era, which would you choose?

Tim: “I would like to visit the Middle Ages but I don't want to live in them. Why? Because everything was out to kill you. I’d love to walk around with the dinosaurs as well but I don’t want to live in either one.”

Question: Who are you a reincarnation of? 

Tim: “I’d like to think Paul Revere. I’d like to think, if I were alive at that point in time, I would have tried to help as much as I could have.”

Question: What actor/actress would play you in a movie? 

Tim: “Adam Scott.”

Question: If your life were a movie, what would it be?

Tim: “A dramedy.”

Question: Last trip? Next trip?

Tim: “Last trip - Italy. Next trip - Sayulita, Mexico and Portugal.”

Question: Ski/Snowboard?

Tim: “Ski.”

Question: Most listened to song on Spotify?

Tim: “Wolf like Me - TV on the Radio.”

Question: What does living in Summit County mean to you?

Tim: “The opportunity to look around every day. Appreciate just how amazing it is.”

Question: What does coffee mean to you?

Tim: “The start to my day.”