Breckenridge Coffee Roasters

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Breck Coffee Chats with Summit County Locals: Emily Edition

Question: Where are you from? How long have you been in Summit County?

Emily: “Boone, North Carolina and I’ve been here for 5 years”

Question: Coffee drink of choice?

Emily: “Americano.”

Question: Most memorable cup of coffee?

Emily: “Ooo...Vietnamese coffee in Vietnam on the Ha Giang loop (a popular motorcycle trek). I remember sitting in this homestay with this family we were staying with, waiting for our Vietnamese coffee to finish dripping, it was essentially the Vietnamese version of a pour over, but a lot more concentrated and with condensed milk. This makes it sweet, which I am not normally into, but on this occasion it was perfect. Just taking in the views of this lush valley, not another tourist in sight, it was pure bliss.”

Question: When were you first introduced to coffee?

Emily: “I remember asking my mom to try her coffee when I was little, because I knew it was a ‘grown up’ drink, but I really didn’t get into it until late in high school. I was still drinking americanos or drip coffee and on occasion, I am ashamed to admit, I'd drink vanilla bean frappuccinos.”

Question: Childhood nickname?

Emily: “My nana called me her ‘southern english bell’ because my whole family is British, so I had an English accent in North Carolina.”

Question: If you could live in any era, which would you choose?

Emily: “Roaring 20’s. It sounds so fun. And I love the outfits.”

Question: Who are you a reincarnation of? 

Emily: “I would like to think Rachel Carson (who wrote Silent Spring).”

Question: What actor/actress would play you in a movie? 

Emily: “Aubrey Plaza.”

Question: If your life were a movie, what would it be?

Emily: “As brave and adventurous as Cheryl Strayed in Wild, but with the dry sarcastic humor of Parks and Rec.”

Question: Last trip? Next trip?

Emily: “Whistler, Canada to ski in January. Guatemala in two weeks.”

Question: Ski/Snowboard?

Emily: “Ski.”

Question: Most listened to song on Spotify?

Emily: “The Wolves by Mandolin Orange.”

Question: What does living in Summit County mean to you?

Emily: “It means I get to play whenever I want. It means feeling really small in this humongous world, I mean these mountains are massive.”

Question: What does coffee mean to you?

Emily: “Life. It’s also an opportunity to gather and catch up with old friends.”