Celebrating Mother's Day with some Classic Motherly Advice

Mother’s Day 2020

The Breck Coffee team has grown up all around the world, from the Midwest, Argentina, California, Ukraine and Colorado. While we grew up quite differently, influenced by our individual surroundings and cultures, we all grew up with mothers, both biological and metaphorical. We thought it’d be fun to combine some of the wisdom we’ve received from them over the years to collectively create a list of “Classic Momisms” for this Mother’s Day.

It was rather comical hearing what everyone’s mothers routinely said to each of us, and it turns out that a Ukrainian mother sounds quite similar to a Colorado mom. Perhaps it is a language they all share, even when the spoken language they say it in is quite different. Please enjoy the following list of Classic Momisms to celebrate this Mother’s Day. Oh, and if you are able, go hug your mom extra tight, whether she’s your biological mother or an otherwise motherly figure.

  1. "Get ur done.”

  2. “Go ask your dad.”

  3. “Clean behind your ears.”

  4. “Save, plan, but also live.”

  5. “Because I said so, that’s why.”

  6. “Look both ways before crossing the street.”

  7. “Can we take a quick picture?”

  8. “You'll never regret a plane ticket.”

  9. "I am woman. Hear me roar."

  10. “Never let your gas tank get below half full.”

  11. “We are never alone in anything we are going through.”

  12. “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.”

  13. "Follow your heart."

  14. "Everything will be ok."

  15. “Tough tits.”

  16. “Look both ways before crossing the street.”

  17. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

  18. “Treat others how you would want to be treated.”

  19. “I’m going to count to three…”


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