Celebrations BCR Staff Celebrations BCR Staff

Celebrating Mother's Day with some Classic Motherly Advice

The Breck Coffee Team has grown up all around the world. From the Midwest, Argentina, California, Ukraine, and Colorado. While we grew up quite differently, influenced by our individual surroundings and cultures, we all grew up with mothers. Both biological and metaphorical, and we thought it’d be fun to combine all of the wisdom we’ve received from them over the years to collectively create a list of “Classic Momisms” for this Mother’s Day.

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BCR Staff BCR Staff

Iced Coffee vs. Cold Brew

The air is getting warmer and the days longer. The sandals are coming out of our closets and our winter coats are going back in. Summertime is upon us, or better yet, Cold Brew Season is already here. Now, cold brew has claimed the hearts of many summertime coffee drinkers around the world, but it hasn’t been long since we were all just as smitten with its preceding coffee cousin, simple iced coffee. But what is the difference you ask? Allow us to explain.

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Art & Science of Coffee BCR Staff Art & Science of Coffee BCR Staff

Coffee Varieties: Arabica vs. Robusta

You do not have to be a coffee connoisseur to have heard the terms arabica and robusta, and maybe you’ve wondered what all of the fuss was about. Coffee is just a simple bean, right? What could possibly be so complex about a seemingly simple caffeinated drink? Well, there absolutely is a difference between arabica and robusta coffee, and both have unique strengths and weaknesses.

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Art & Science of Coffee BCR Staff Art & Science of Coffee BCR Staff

Out of this World Coffee - Enjoying a Cuppa Joe in Outer Space

Anyone else going down the internet rabbit hole and learning a lot of cool, interesting facts, but also a decent amount of useless ones too (if we're being honest)? On today's deep dive made possible thanks to COVID's stay-at-home restrictions and our attempts to postpone going insane as long as possible, we found an article about coffee consumption in outer space. Please enjoy the following facts from the Daily Coffee News.

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Art & Science of Coffee BCR Staff Art & Science of Coffee BCR Staff

A Brief History of Coffee: From Celebrated to Outlawed & Back Again

Coffee has gained a special place in the hearts of many for a variety of reasons. Some love coffee for its jolt of caffeine, others for its warmth both literally and figuratively, and some for the part it has played in fueling intellectual conversations and debates. Coffee has served an important role throughout history and gained its fair share of supporters and opponents as it has been both celebrated and outlawed throughout the thousands of years we have been consuming this beloved drink. Whether or not you love coffee, there is no denying it has been an important commodity throughout history up until the present in more ways than one, and that there is nothing simple about this bean.

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